Konsulttiyhtymä AIKA

Strategic market research

The company is an industrial service company with a long history of profitable business in its field. The company owners had long had an idea of expanding to a new field of business by expanding the selection of services offered to industry. However, the new business required a sizeable investment compared to the existing business, and acquiring outside funding was therefore essential to expansion. Konsulttiyhtymä AIKA first surveyed potential new client companies for the new service together with the owners. Then Konsulttiyhtymä AIKA did a large market survey covering more than 100 potential client companies. As a result of the market survey, Company P received a list of potential clients and an estimate of the revenue of the new service for the next three years based on the survey. Thanks to the client list and revenue estimate, Company P was able to carry out the funding negotiations required for the investment. During the market survey, Konsulttiyhtymä AIKA was also able to identify target groups that differed significantly from each other. Thanks to this information, Company P also received a list of contacts for sales and sales arguments for the service for different target groups.

Strategic market research is suitable for companies wishing to make a growth leap. Letting an outsider survey the growth potential of existing or new customers gives workable sales opportunities to the company’s own sales.

Partner Antti Lehtimäki